Zhumanova Ekaterina

Position: head of the center of gynecology, reproductive and esthetic medicine, M.D., manager. office of laser methods of treatment, gynecologist.
Clinic: MEDSI hospital on Pyatnitskoye Highway
Academic degree / Category: Doctor of the Highest Qualification Category, Doctor of Medicine.
Main specialization: gynecology and obstetrics.
Education: Moscow medical academy of I.M. Sechenov.
Specialty according to the diploma: medical business.
Length of service: 18 years (since 2001)
Professional achievements and experience:
- Head of the Center of gynecology more than 10 years
- Dissertation work for a degree of the candidate of medical sciences on a subject: “Opportunistic bacterial infections and pregnancy”
- Certificates of the doctor of the obstetrician-gynecologist, doctor of functional diagnostics, the ultrasonographer, specialist in the field of laser medicine and in the field of intimate planimetric plasticity
- Teacher of school of professional development of the “aesthetic gynecology” direction
Internship: Moscow medical academy of I.M. Sechenov, 2003.
Postgraduate study: Moscow medical academy of I.M. Sechenov, 2006.
Advanced training courses: the certificate in “physical therapy” in federal state budgetary Institution of additional professional education “Russian medical academy of continuous professional education” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
Participation in seminars, conferences, professional associations: regular (Russian, international conferences).
Publications, articles: author more than 50 articles.
Knowledge of foreign languages: English.
The list of manipulations and operations on which reception is conducted:
- Identification and treatment of pathologies of a neck of uterus, hysteromyoma, endometriosis
- Low-invasive surgical interventions at myoma a uterus, endometriosis, an adenomyosis, an endometria hyperplasia, endometria polyps (including with use of the modern laser equipment in order to avoid a recurrence of diseases)
- Intimate planimetric plasticity with use of the most modern techniques
- Infertility problems
- Preparation for pregnancy, planning and conducting the normal and complicated pregnancy
Sphere of practical interests:
- Low-invasive surgery – diagnostics and treatment of intrauterine pathology (hyperplastic processes of an endometria, synechia, a submucous hysteromyoma) by means of hysteroscopy and a gisterorezektoskopiya
- Intimate planimetric plasticity – non-invasive methods of treatment
Possession of additional techniques:
- Esthetic gynecology
- Intimate planimetric plasticity
- Surgical intimate plasticity