Telysheva Yuliya

Function: Neurologist.
Main specialty: Neurology.
Clinic: MEDSI Clinical Diagnostic Centre at Belorusskaya
Academic degree / Category: Candidate of Medical Sciences / Highest Qualification Category Physician.
Education: Moscow Medical Academy named after I. M. Sechenov (MMA named after I. M. Sechenov), 1997.
Diploma specialty: Therapy.
Experience: 19 years (since 2000).
Professionals achievements and experience:
- Candidate dissertation, topic: “Cerebral stroke in patients with diabetes mellitus: clinical presentation, diagnosis and treatment”, 2003.
- Certificate of Gratitude of the Department of Health of the City of Moscow, 2017.
Internship: Moscow Medical Academy named after I. M. Sechenov (MMA named after I. M. Sechenov), 1998.
Residency: Moscow Medical Academy named after I. M. Sechenov (MMA named after I. M. Sechenov), 2000.
Fellowship: Moscow Medical Academy named after I. M. Sechenov (MMA named after I. M. Sechenov), 2003.
Advanced training courses:
- Certification course in Neurology, Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Moscow, 2012.
- Certification course in Neurology, Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Moscow, 2016.
- “Expert examination of temporary disability” course, First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, 2017.
- “Topical issues in the field of psychosomatic and borderline psychiatric disorders in medical practice” course, Russian National Research Medical University named after N. I. Pirogov, 2017.
- “Prevention of professional burnout in physicians” course, Municipal Budgetary Health Care Institution Municipal Clinical Hospital named after S. P. Botkin, 2018.
- “Dizziness and balance impairment: state-of-the-art methods of evaluation and treatment” course, First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, 2018.
Participation in seminars, conferences, professional associations:
- Research and Practice Conference with International Participation “Innovative Technologies in Neurology and Adjacent Specialties”, 2016.
- International Congress “Neurorehabilitation”, 2015-2017.
- International Headache Conferences, 2017-2018.
- Interdisciplinary Conferences “Wein Readings”, 2015-2018.
- Educational programme in the prevention of myocardial infarction and stroke and the problem of atherosclerosis, 2018.
- Member of the All-Russian Public Organization “National Association of Neurorehabilitation Specialists”, since 2012.
Publications, articles:
Author and co-author of 15 publications, including:
- “The effect of hyperglycaemia in the acute phase of stroke on the course and outcome of ischaemic stroke”, article in Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry named after S. S. Korsakov, 2007 (in Russian).
- “The role of arterial hypertension in the development of cerebral stroke in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus”, article in Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry named after S. S. Korsakov, 2007 (in Russian).
- “Cerebral stroke in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus”, article in the Nevrologicheskiy Zhurnal journal [Journal of Neurology], 2008 (in Russian).
- “The effect of VAL66MET BDNF polymorphism on the serum concentration of brain-derived neurotrophic factor and Raven test results in patients with sequelae of stroke”, article in the Molekulyarnaya Meditsina journal [Journal of Molecular Biology], 2014 (in Russian).
List of procedures and operations performed:
- Neurological examination
- Treatment and management of patients with nervous system diseases
- Diagnosis and treatment of pain syndromes
- Neurorehabilitation
Range of practical interests:
- Cerebral stroke: primary and secondary prevention of stroke
- Dyscirculatory encephalopathy
- Cognitive impairment
- Dizziness
- Tinnitus
- Unsteady gait
- Pain syndromes:
- Headache
- Facial pain
- Back and limb pain
Other skills: treatment of muscle spasticity with botulinum toxin.