Pshonkina Darya

Position: otorhinolaryngologist of a hospital.
Main specialization: otorhinolaryngology (ENT specialist).
Academic degree / Category: doctor of the first qualification category.
Education: FGAOU WO the First MGMU of I.M. Sechenov (the Sechenovsky University) 2013.
Specialty according to the diploma: medical business.
Length of service: 6 years (since 2013)
Professional achievements and experience:
- Finalist of the competition CLEVER MAN “Moscow youth start-2016” Project: “Development of a test system for diagnostics of an early recurrence of the polypostural rinosinusit and exacerbations of bronchial asthma”
- I have the medal “For Labour Valour” (the decision of board of association of veterans and employees of SB) of 11.11.2018.
Internship: FGAOU WO the First MGMU of I.M. Sechenov (the Sechenovsky University) 2015.
Postgraduate study: FGAOU WO the First MGMU of I.M. Sechenov (the Sechenovsky University), 2018.
Advanced training courses: FGAOU WO the First MGMU of I.M. Sechenov (the Sechenovsky University), the Certificate of professional development (Laser technologies in otorhinolaryngology) No. 04413 Moscow, 03.04.2017 - 08.04.2017.
Participation in seminars, conferences, professional associations:
- Participates in conferences and the congresses concerning otorhinolaryngology
- Constantly makes reports on current problems of otorhinolaryngology
- There are certificates of the participant of the following events with the indication of performances:
- The VIII Scientific and practical conference with the international participation “Radiodiagnosis and scientific and technical progress in protection of female health and a reproduction” on October 18 - 19, 2012, Moscow (SEI VPO Pervy MGMU of I.M. Sechenov)
- The scientific and practical conference “Pharmacotherapy of Diseases of an Ear, Throat and Nose from Positions of Evidential Medicine” of March 14, 2013. (Head medical department of General Management Department of the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow)
- The Russian competition with the international participation “A modern functional rinokhirurgiya” of April 15-18, 2013 (SEI VPO Pervy MGMU of I.M. Sechenov)
- “X the Anniversary congress of the Russian society of rinolog” of June 27-29, 2013, Moscow
- The III St. Petersburg Forum of otorhinolaryngologists of Russia St. Petersburg on April 23-25, 2014. A performance with the report: “Treatment of nasal bleedings”
- “A practical seminar on topical issues of an otokhirurgiya with a course of dissection of a temporal bone” of June 25-27, 2014, Moscow (SEI VPO Pervy MGMU of I.M. Sechenov; Federal State Budgetary Institution Nauchno-klinichesky center of otorhinolaryngology FMBA of Russia; Clinic of otorhinolaryngology of university clinic of Karl Gustav Karus (Germany, Dresden))
- The All-Russian scientific and practical conference of young scientists and students with the international participation “Medical spring-2015” of May 19, 2015. A performance with the report: “Cholesteatoma of external acoustical pass”. The diploma of the III degree for the best research work is gained
- Master class “Radio wave surgery in otorhinolaryngology” of June 17, 2015. (With assistance of ELLMANRUS the exclusive distributor in Russia Cynosure, Inc.dba Ellman (USA))
- “the II International seminar on topical issues of an otokhirurgiya with a course of dissection of a temporal bone” of June 15-17, 2015, Moscow (SEI VPO Pervy MGMU of I.M. Sechenov; Federal State Budgetary Institution Nauchno-klinichesky center of otorhinolaryngology FMBA of Russia; Clinic of otorhinolaryngology of university clinic of Karl Gustav Karus (Germany, Dresden))
- The 7th Interuniversity conference of young doctors-researchers “Prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases” (RNIMU of I.N. Pirogov Moscow) of April 26, 2016. A performance with the report: “Role of biological markers of inflammation at patients with a polypostural rinosinusit and bronchial asthma”
- Master class “Radio wave surgery in otorhinolaryngology” of June 24, 2016. (With assistance of ELLMANRUS the exclusive distributor in Russia Cynosure, Inc.dba Ellman (USA))
- The IV Cross-disciplinary congress on diseases of bodies of the head and neck on May 25-27, 2016, Moscow (SEI VPO Pervy MGMU of I.M. Sechenov)
- The scientific and practical conference “Topical Issues of an Otokhirurgiya” of June 23, 2016, Moscow (SEI VPO Pervy MGMU of I.M. Sechenov)
- The XV ALL-RUSSIAN RUSSIAN CONGRESS of OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGISTS “SCIENCE AND PRACTICE IN OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY” Moscow, on November 8-9, 2016 Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration “Role of biological markers of inflammation at patients with a polypostural rinosinusit and bronchial asthma”
- Scientific and practical conference of the CFD of the Russian Federation “Relevant in otorhinolaryngology” on October 27 and 28, 2016. “Role of biological markers of inflammation at patients with a polypostural rinosinusit and bronchial asthma”
- The FORUM “PHARMACOTHERAPY IN OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY in the light of MODERN CLINICAL RECOMMENDATIONS” devoted to the 70 anniversary of FMBA of Russia on March 24-25, 2017 by Federal State Budgetary Institution NKTs of otorhinolaryngology FMBA of Russia, Moscow “New aspects in diagnostics of the polypostural rinosinusit at patients with bronchial asthma”
- The All-Russian forum with the international participation: “Cross-disciplinary approach to treatment of diseases of the head and neck” on December 15-16, 2017 Federal State Budgetary Institution NKTs of otorhinolaryngology FMBA of Russia, Moscow “Role of biological markers of inflammation at patients with a polypostural rinosinusit and bronchial asthma”
- Interuniversity scientific and practical conference “Modern Questions of Otorhinolaryngology” on October 2 Tula “Role of biological markers of inflammation at patients with a polypostural rinosinusit and bronchial asthma”