Podkolzina Ella

Main specialization: functional diagnostics.
Clinic: MEDSI hospital in Botkinsky Drive / MEDSI Clinic in Botkinsky Drive
Education: I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, 1994
Length of service: 17 years (since 2002)
Internship: An internship on the subject “internal diseases” in I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, 1996
Postgraduate study: A postgraduate study in the gastroenterology direction at the First Moscow State University of I.M. Sechenov, 2002.
Advanced training courses:
In 2002 in Public Educational Institution of Higher Professional Training I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow, professional retraining in “Ultrasonic diagnostics”
In 2002. The general improvement in “Ultrasonic diagnostics” in Public Educational Institution of Higher Professional Training I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow,
In 2003. Thematic improvement “Ultrasonic methods of a research in angiology”
Public Educational Institution of Higher Professional Training I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow
In 2005. Thematic improvement “Ultrasonic methods of a research in cardiology” of Public Educational Institution of Higher Professional Training RMAPO MZ RF, Moscow
In 2007. General improvement “Ultrasonic diagnostics” of Public Educational Institution of Higher Professional Training RMAPO MZ RF Moscow
In 2012. General improvement “Ultrasonic diagnostics”
In 2016 Thematic improvement “Ultrasonic diagnostic methods of diseases of joints”
Institute of professional development FMBA of Russia, Moscow
In 2017. General improvement “Ultrasonic diagnostics”
Institute of professional development FMBA of Russia, Moscow
Participation in seminars, conferences, professional associations:
Participates in conferences and the congresses concerning radiodiagnosis
- “Medical diagnostics”
2015 the VII Congress of RASUDM
- “Medical diagnostics”
- “Medical diagnostics”
Publications, articles: In 2000 defended the master's thesis on the subject “Activity of the Proton Pump (N, K-Atfazy) in a Mucous Membrane of a Stomach at Patients with a Peptic Ulcer of a Duodenum”.
The list of manipulations and operations on which reception is conducted:
Conducts ultrasonographies in the conditions of a versatile hospital at patients with various pathology with use of a wide range of available techniques:
ultrasonography with color Doppler mapping and doppler sonography
ekstrakranialny and intracranial departments of the main arteries of the head,
main arteries and veins of the lower and upper extremities,
duplex scanning of a ventral aorta and its branches,
ultrasonic diagnostics of bodies
abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space,
bladder and prostate gland (transabdominalno),
bodies of a small pelvis at women (transabdominalno, transvaginalno), early durations of gestation,
superficially located structures (mammary glands, a thyroid gland, soft tissues and superficially located structures, pleural cavities)
large joints
Additional description:
Interesting statistics
Conducts more than 4,600 diversified researches a year at patients with various pathologies
30 years of operating activities.
More than 10,000 executed band and plastic surgeries.
Cases from practice
To the patient at the age of 32 flyings for the first time revealed a myxoma of the left auricle. Then the patient was sent to specialized hospital in which confirmed diagnokh and performed timely operation and successfully the patient was cured.
At the patient at the age of 37 flyings the defect of the mitral valve (a stenosis of the left atrioventricular opening) debuting a blood spitting was for the first time revealed. Sent the patient to specialized institution where to him carried out prosthetics of the mitral valve. Vtecheniye neskolkikhlt at dynamic observation positive dynamics in the form of remodeling of a left ventricle was noted.
MEDSI hospital in Botkinsky Drive - versatile treatment and prevention facility of a full range: diagnostics, policlinic, a day hospital, a hospital on 142 beds, the oncological center. Capacities of hospital allow to help more than 4,000 patients a year. The oncological center united in itself high technologies, experience of professionals, the advanced techniques and an integrated approach, providing to patients a number of advantages:
Performance of surgeries of any complexity at the high European level.
Active use of low-traumatic techniques.
Experience of carrying out operations, unique for Russia, through one puncture.
Cross-disciplinary oncological consultation.
Versatile hospital with an opportunity to carry out treatment of associated diseases.
Modern equipment and progressive operational techniques.
Complex treatment with use himio-and radiation therapy.
Escort of the patient both to, and after operation.
In Office of functional and ultrasonic diagnostics more than 40 types of the noninvasive functional and ultrasonic and also invasive manipulations under OUSE control allowed for use in medical practice on ultrasonic diagnosticheky systems expert and a premium class are carried out: “Philips IU22” “Philips IE33” “Philips HD15”, sensors completed with all types that allows to carry out a full range of ultrasonographies. New technology features of devices and sensors allow to receive the image of the highest quality without loss of information. The main methods of ultrasonography which are carried out in our office
Ultrasonography of abdominal organs (a research of a liver, gall bladder, pancreas, spleen, with a possibility of assessment of an intraorganny blood-groove)
Ultrasonography of bodies of retroperitoneal space (kidneys, adrenal glands, including assessment of a renal blood-groove)
Ultrasonography of superficial organs and structures (a thyroid gland, submaxillary and parotid sialadens and also mammary, chest glands with regional lymph nodes)
Ultrasonic examination of bodies of a small pelvis at women (including in the first trimester of pregnancy).
Ultrasonic examination of a musculoskeletal system. The method allows to visualize myagkotkany structures of joints and surrounding fabrics (muscles, sinews, ligaments, a joint cartilage and meniscuses).
Dopplerekhokardiografiya (visualization of heart with assessment of an intracardial hemodynamics)
Duplex, triplex scanning of ekstrakranialny departments of the main arteries of the head (BTsA).
Transcranial duplex scanning.
Duplex, triplex scanning of the main vessels (arteries and/or veins) lower and upper extremities.
Duplex scanning of a ventral aorta and its branches (renal arteries, celiac trunk, upper mesenteric artery, general and external ileal arteries).
Uroandrologichesky researches