Nepomyashchy Ivan

Position: doctor traumatologist-orthopedist.
Main specialization: traumatology and orthopedics.
Clinic: MEDSI hospital on Pyatnitskoye Highway
Education: The Voronezh state medical academy of N.N. Burdenko (VGMA of N.N. Burdenko), 2008.
Specialty according to the diploma: pediatrics.
Length of service: 10 years (since 2009)
Professional achievements and experience: kinezioteypirovaniye instructor.
Internship: The Voronezh state medical academy of N.N. Burdenko (VGMA of N.N. Burdenko), 2009.
Advanced training courses:
- Training in Clinic of the general, visceral and transplant surgery (under the leadership of the prof. Noykhauz) and the Center of muskuloskletalny surgery (under the leadership of the prof. N. Haas), Charite clinic, Berlin, Germany, 2006.
- Training in the Center of muskuloskletalny surgery, Charite clinic, Berlin, Germany, 2007.
- The Diabetic Foot training course in office of diabetic foot in ENTs Russian Academy of Medical Science, 2013.
- The certified cycle “Traumatology and Orthopedics” in GIUV MO Russian Federation, Moscow, 2014.
- Thematic improvement “Traumatology and orthopedics with questions of children's age” in MONICA of M.F. Vladimirsky, Moscow, 2014.
- Professional development “Diagnostic and medical arthroscopy of a knee joint”, GKB medical simulyatsionny center of S.P. Botkin Moscow, 2017.
Participation in seminars, conferences, professional associations:
- Regularly participates in seminars, conferences
- Member of the international association of surgeons of diabetic foot
- Member of the Russian association of surgeons of foot and ankle joint
Publications, articles: the author and the coauthor of 11 scientific publications, including 2 in the magazines certified by VAK.
Knowledge of foreign languages: English, German.
The list of manipulations and operations on which reception is conducted:
- Orthopedic surgery of a brush and foot
- Chronic and acute wounds, trophic disorders of various origin
- Infectious pathology of bones, joints and soft tissues, osteomyelitis
- It is purulent - necrotic complications of a syndrome of diabetic foot, a diabetic neuroosteoarthropathy (Sharko's foot)
- Bone oncology
- Joint syndrome, purulent diseases at comorbid patients (with the expressed accompanying pathology)
- Travmatologo-ortopedichesky aspects of rehabilitation, including at comorbid patients
Possession of additional techniques:
- Kinezioteypirovaniye
- Shock and wave therapy
- Production of individual orthopedic insoles by a thermomolding method on Sursil-Orto and Formtotiks technologies
- Treatment by the plasma (PRP therapy, plasmolifting) enriched with thrombocytes
- Treatment with use of a technique of REGINOKINE therapy
- Treatment by the autologous conditioned plasm (ACP) (ORTHOKINE therapy)
- Medical hardware pedicure