Krasilnikova Bogdana

Main specialization: oncology / chemotherapy
Length of service: 16 years (since 2003)
Professional achievements and experience:
- Protection of candidate work “Primary lymphatic tumors of an orbit and adnexal device of an eye”
- Hematologic scientific center, 2008-2012.
- 81 GKB hematologist, 2012-2013.
- Manager. Office of an oncological day hospital in Antiquated GKB (Moscow region), 2013-2017.
Participation in seminars, conferences, professional associations: constant participation in seminars, symposiums, hematologic conferences.
Publications, articles: 20 publications in domestic and foreign scientific publications on the subject “Limfoproliferativny Diseases of an Orbit”.
The list of manipulations and operations on which reception is conducted:
- Oncological reception
- Stationary maintaining oncological patients
- Carrying out courses of himioterapiya
Sphere of practical interests: oncology and haemato-oncology.
Possession of additional techniques:
- Tripanobiopsiya of marrow
- Membalny puncture
- Sternal puncture
Additional description:
- Interesting statistics:
- Extranodal limfoproliferativny diseases at adequate treatment reach in 80% of cases of remission
- Cases from practice:
- Defeat of an orbit at Birkett's lymphoma. The patient with quickly growing tumor of the left orbit arrived. By results of morphological, immunohistologic and cytogenetic researches the diagnosis Birkett's lymphoma is established. 4 courses of high-dose chemotherapy are conducted. The patient is in remission more than 8 years