Kolgayeva Dagmara

Position: doctor obstetrician-gynecologist.
Main specialization: gynecology and obstetrics.
Clinic: MEDSI hospital on Pyatnitskoye Highway
Education: The first state Moscow medical university to them I.M. Sechenova, 2012.
Specialty according to the diploma: medical business
Length of service: 4 years (since 2015)
Professional achievements and experience:
- Own patent “Way of Surgical Treatment Vulval to an Enterotsela, Rectocele” (2016)
- Dissertation work on surgical treatment of the genital prolapse complicated to an enterotsela
- Teacher of school of professional development of the “aesthetic gynecology” direction
Internship: The first state Moscow medical university to them I.M. Sechenova, 2014.
Postgraduate study: The first state Moscow medical university to them I.M. Sechenova, till present.
Advanced training courses:
- Course “Aesthetic Gynecology and Low-invasive Uroginekologiya” (2015)
- Training in the cycle “Laser Safety in Medicine” (2015)
Participation in seminars, conferences, professional associations: yes, it is regular
Publications, articles: author of 3 articles, 8 theses
Knowledge of foreign languages: English
The list of manipulations and operations on which reception is conducted:
- Reproductive endoscopic surgery (endometriosis operation, hysteromyoma, cysts of ovaries, infertility)
- Conservative and surgical methods of treatment of omission of walls of a vagina, uterus, urine incontinence, including with use of the hi-tech modern laser equipment
- Out-patient gynecology (diagnostics and treatment of infections, sexually transmitted, disturbances of a menstrual cycle, menopausal syndrome and so forth)
- Low-invasive surgery — diagnostics and treatment of intrauterine pathology (hyperplastic processes of an endometria, synechia, a submucous hysteromyoma) by means of hysteroscopy and a gisterorezektoskopiya
- Intimate planimetric plasticity and laser vaginal rejuvenation — non-invasive methods of treatment of changes of external genitals and a vagina
Sphere of practical interests:
- Reconstructive pelvic surgery
- Non-invasive methods of treatment of a prolapse of pelvic bodies and incontinence of urine