Kitaev Sergey

Function: Radiologist.
Main specialty: X-ray medicine / Radiological imaging.
Clinic: MEDSI Clinical Diagnostic Centre at Belorusskaya
Academic degree / Category: Candidate of Medical Sciences.
Professionals achievements and experience:
- Candidate dissertation, topic: “The differential diagnostic potential of spiral computed tomography in patients with complications of aortofemoral reconstructive surgery”, 2002.
- Doctoral dissertation, topic: “Studying the potential and optimization of high-field magnetic resonance imaging techniques in the evaluation of patients with suspected prostate cancer”, 2009.
- European Diploma in Radiology, 2013.
Residency: Institute of Surgery named after А. V. Vishnevskiy.
List of procedures and operations performed:
- Neuroradiology
- Musculoskeletal radiology
- Uroradiology
- Abdominal radiology
- Oncological radiology