Bubnov Vadim

Main specialization: anesthesiology and resuscitation.
Education: Moscow state medico-dental university (MGMSU, MGMSI), 1995.
Specialty according to the diploma: medical business
Length of service: 24 years (since 1995)
Professional achievements and experience:
- 2009. The winner in the competition “The Best Doctor of 2009” of FMBA of Russia in the “Best Doctor of the Emergency Medical Care” nomination.
- In 2013 protection of the master's thesis on the subject “Optimization of a Method of Protection of a Myocardium at Open Heart Operations”.
Internship: Institute of professional development FAUGH medicobiological and extreme problems at MZ Russian Federation on a spetsiialnost anesthesiology resuscitation. 1997
Advanced training courses:
- 2005. Professional retraining in “Transfusiology”. Public Educational Institution of Higher Professional Training Rossiysky Gosudarstvenny Meditsinsky Universitet Roszdrava, department of transfusiology of FUV RGMU
- Regular certified advanced training courses in an anesthesiology and resuscitation
Participation in seminars, conferences, professional associations:
- Participates in conferences, congresses and the congresses concerning anesthesiology and resuscitation, both in the Russian Federation, and in other countries of the world.
- Member of the Moscow scientific organization of intensivists (MSOI)
Publications, articles: Author and coauthor more than 20 scientific publications
The list of manipulations and operations on which reception is conducted: All complex of actions of the planned and emergency anesthesiology and reanimatologichesky help.
Possession of additional techniques:
- Extracorporal treatment methods including a plasma exchange, hemosorption, the prolonged gemodiaultrafiltration;
- Carrying out extracorporal membrane oxygenation (EKMO);
- Transfuziologichesky providing, krovesberegayushchy technologies;
- Perfuziologiya (artificial circulation at cardiac operations);
- Urgent cardiology